Servo Motor motorek rotary e ku dikare hêmana mekanîkî kontrol bike ka meriv çawa di pergala servo de dixebite. This motor that allows for a precise control in terms of angular position, acceleration and velocity, capabilities that a regular motor does not have.
Zêdetir hûrgulîAmplifikator dikare voltaja an hêza nîşana inputê amûr bike. Ew ji tub an transistor pêk tê, veguherînek hêz û hêmanên elektrîkî yên din.
Zêdetir hûrgulîThe circuit board can make the circuit miniaturized and intuitive, which plays an important role in the mass production of fixed circuit and the optimization of the electrical layout. Lination Lijneya Circuit jî dikare were gotin (Desteya Circuit Printed) PCB û (Lijneya Circuit ya Zexmî) FPC. There are some good characteristics, such as high linear density, light-weight, thin thickness and good bending and so on.
Zêdetir hûrgulîIndustrial automation is the use of control systems, such as computers or robots, and information technologies for handling different processes and machineries in an industry to replace a human being. Ew pêngava duyemîn e ku di çarçoveya pîşesaziyê de ji mekanîzmayê wêdetir e.
Bi pispor re têkilî daynin
Ji wê damezrandina di sala 1921-an de, Mitsubishi Electric li pêşiya pêşengiya teknîkî ya Japonya û nûvekirina hilberê ya Japonya ye. From it's first hit product-an electric fan for consumer use-Mitsubishi Electric has continued to create a long list of "firsts"and groundbreaking new technologies that have shaped its business fields all around the world.
Yaskawa Electric has always provided support to the leading business across the ages by transforming as “a MOTOR manufacturer”, “an AUTOMATION company” to “a MECHATRONICS company” based on its management philosophy of contributing to the development of society and the welfare of humankind bi performansa karsaziya xwe ji damezrandina sala 1915-an.
Li Panasonic, em dizanin teknolojî tenê li ser pêşkeftina civakê ne. It's about preserving the world we all live in. By bringing disruptive innovations together, we're creating the technologies that move us toward a more sustainable future.
Prensîbên Omron baweriyên me yên bêserûber, bêpergal temsîl dikin. Prensîbên Omron kevirên biryar û tevgerên me ne. Ew tiştê ku bi hev re girêdaye, û ew hêza ajotinê li pişt mezinbûna Omron in. Ji bo baştirkirina jiyanê û beşdarî civakek çêtir bibin.
Zêdetirî 170 salan, ramanên binpêkirin, têgehên nû û modelên karsaziya piştrast garantiyên serkeftina me ne. Nûvekirinên me ji ramanên tenê derdikevin ku bibin hilberên piştrast ên ku bazaran hilweşînin û pîvanê danîne. Wan pargîdaniya me mezin û xurt çêkiriye, û dê me gengaz bike ku pêşerojek serfiraz ava bike.
Em ji bo karbidest û domdariyê çareseriyên dîjîtal ên nûjen û otomatîk peyda dikin. We combine world-leading energy technologies, real-time automation, software and services into integrated solutions for homes, buildings, data centers, infrastructure and industries. We make process and energy safe and reliable, efficient and sustainable, open and connected.